To add a location where you know the coordinates (e.g.You can play around with the label symbolization (click on the rainbow icon right of the layer name in the right-hand sidebar), the layer ordering (option at top of right-sidebar) and you can also experiment with what appear to be several "versions" of some layers, such as "Contours (1:20000)" which contain similar symbolization to achieve what you desire. the biogeoclimatic data) is beyond the scope of this text. Adjusting the individual colours in a multi-polygon layer (eg. It may help to make the contours darker for instance. You can also change the colour theme for basically any layer. (putting the biogeoclimatic zone as the bottom layer seems to work well). You can reorder the layers so that lakes still show up in blue etc. Some important layers which are unfortunately not available in both of the above "meta-layers" are "Elevation - Points (1:20000)" and "(1:20,000) Map Text - Geographical - Mountains, Lakes, etc." There are also several vegetation options but adding the colour themed biogeoclimatic zone information (search for biogeoclimatic) may be the easiest. by adding the "Base Mapping (1:20000)" or "Base Map Auto Scale (1:7,500,000-1:20,000)" layers also in the "Base Maps" category. You can add a significant amount of labels, watercourses, roads etc. To add contour lines, click on "Layers" at the top, click on "add" at the right, click on "Base Maps" in the pop up, select "Contours" and click on "refresh map" on the right. To turn off the colour "base map," click on the 7th icon from the left, the green grid one. Switching to contours from colour base map Now the UTM coordinates appear next to the gridlines. Then add the label field "coordinate" to the label symbolization. Click on the multicoloured icon to the right of the UTM grid layer name in the right side menu. To have the gridlines labelled, you need to adjust the colour scheme. In the window at right, click "Refresh Map".In the pop-up window, select the gridlines you want to add, e.g.
For an example of what is possible see the PDF maps on the Brew Hut page under Access. It is possible to import GPS waypoint data, mark locations, add UTM gridlines, create PDFs of maps, and lots more. IMapBC is a comprehensive online mapping application with numerous features, great for making your own maps. Provincial Government TRIM map based services iMapBC It's fairly easy to look up the location of a mountain on and enter the latitude-longitude in the topozone search box.Įarth Details provides a 3D perspective view (with optional shading) of NTS 1:50k and 1:250k maps. Go to view maps and enter the address, place name or coordinates. Adjacent maps are properly lined up with the datum of each map taken into account. You can zoom in and out and scroll, but can't see very much a one time. These maps are based on images of the NTS map sheets. Topozone now has clickable 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 topographical maps of Canada. There is also an older version of toporama that uses the same projections as the NTS maps but the interface isn't as nice and it stretches the maps horizontally. The data is all there but north is in a strange direction because of the projection they use. NTS mapping information is available online through the Natural Resources Canada toporama website. When opened in a program such as Google Earth, the file shows the entire NTS grid overlaid on a map of Canada, down to the individual map level.
The maps are indexed by their mapsheet code, so you will need to know the mapsheet code for the map you are looking for.ĬanTopo ftp site This site has newer versions of the NTS maps (tiff and pdf).
You are on your own for lining up adjacent maps, but this should be easy enough with appropriate software since the map files are geo-referenced.ĬanMatrix ftp site This site has geoTiff images for all maps in the 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 map series. Because they are high resolution images, there is no layer control and they are very large downloads. These maps are images of the normal NTS mapsheets that you can print out if you want.